MIA for good reason



So I started this blog with the best of intentions, only to fine myself putting off posting. My original excuses included a family member’s wedding in Hawaii, college football season (go dawgs), the holidays, work and some reading (more on that soon). The most import reason for my absence is a little, white ball of fluff named Evie.

One would think that three dogs would be sufficient. Not for us. We decided to go full on dog hoarder and add a fourth. Not just any fourth either; we had to get a puppy. I tried to be the voice of reason but crumbled after looking at her adorable face. It should be noted that my boyfriend knew that would happen. We both knew that we wanted another mini schnauzer. Zoe has been really great(in retrospect it helps that she is a senior dog) and of course adorable. The idea of a mini mini with an adorable beard overcame rational thought.

I would be lying if I said that raising a puppy was easy. There have definitely been growing pains. Between the puncture marks scarring my hands, the potty training and the pack squabbles it has been a long month. There were moments when I felt some resentment, but we have finally reached a really good place in puppyhood! So now I am back, and I have even more things to write about. I know that reading other people’s blogs about raising a puppy really helped me, so I hope that I will have a few insights that will help others. At the very least I hope that I can share stories that will resonate with someone so that they don’t feel overwhelmed or alone in their puppy adventures.



Meet the pups

In case anyone couldn’t tell by the name of this blog, my life is pretty much dominated by my pack of pups. These three add so much joy -and sometimes stress- into my life. Since they will pop up regularly, I thought it would be good to take some time to introduce them.



Jack is my soul pup. He is a neurotic, clingy Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier mix, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I adopted him during my 1L year of law school, and he taught me all those important lessons that dogs have a way of imparting.  He has seen me through numerous relationships, stressful times and big decisions. There is nothing I love more than his curly tail and big ears. He always wants to cuddle and loves food.


Nacho is a gorgeous pit bull/shepherd/boxer mix. I am so lucky to have her as a roommate-yes she is a lady dog named Nacho.  She loves to try and dominate me by pushing me with her head or licking my ears, but when her owner (my boyfriend) is around she is the most well behaved dog in the world. After having a small dog for years, it has been fun learning how to interact with a large dog. Despite her size, she has a lot of fears- doggy doors, vacuums, ab benches. etc.


Zoe is a 13 year old mini-Schnauzer that we recently added to our house. I had a few ridiculous fears that she would resent being adopted and would spend the remaining years of her life wishing to be returned to her original owners.   So far she seems to at least be content with us. While she doesn’t enjoy being cuddled, she is right there with the other dogs looking excited when we come home. I love having her in our household. She has a tendency to sit in the shadows and stare at our interactions with the other dogs-a bit creepy. But she isn’t afraid to ask for attention or bark for treats.

There is always a first.

I have in the past mocked bloggers. But my deep dark secret is that I love to read blogs. I enjoy reading others’ thoughts on subjects that I care about, and I love seeing insights into lives that differ from mine. So why did I mock? Well, probably cause I like to mock things. The more I read, the more I wanted a blog of my own. So here I am.

I really wanted to give it a try so that I could learn more about social media and how blogs work.I also figured that it would be a great way to write and keep track of interesting things that I find (I am a news junkie). I spent some time contemplating what I wanted to write about. I don’t have kids, so mommy blogging is out. I am not a fashion icon or even a fashionable person, so fashion blogging is out. I love books, but I don’t want to just do book reviews. I am passionate about my dogs (all dogs really) and politics.

Now I know what you are thinking, but don’t worry. I will likely not be writing any one-sided political rants. While I enjoy those, I love the the political process more. So expect links to interesting news articles, my thoughts on the political process, facts about the candidates of both parties, and equal mocking of all. Oh, and lots and lots of dog pictures. I may even engage in some DIY dog projects (those who know me know that I am not crafty).